The following Child Guidance Policy is required by Alberta Children’s Services for all licensed facilities. Please read the child guidance policy for Edelweiss Preparatory School and sign your name below. Your signature will acknowledge that you are aware of the stated policy, and will signify your acceptance thereof. We expect the children to treat adults and their peers with respect and politeness. We encourage the children to find acceptable ways to handle conflicts/disagreements that may arise during class. When a child is engaging in inappropriate behavior (i.e. hitting, using inappropriate language, etc.) we would speak with the child; making him or her aware of the fact that the behaviour in which they are engaging is not appropriate. The child would then be redirected to another activity or area of the classroom. Our focus is redirection of behavior rather than time outs. If a child is consistently not adhering to our child guidance techniques, parents will be notified and if improvements in behaviour are not seen, our program will not be able to accommodate the child. The teachers at Edelweiss Preparatory School do not use any type of corporal punishment and shall not harm children nor participate in practices that are emotionally damaging, physically harmful, disrespectful, degrading, dangerous, exploitative, or intimidating to children. This principle has precedence over all others. Our school aims to provide the best and most positive environment in which children will be happy and thrive on the joy of learning through a combination of fun and educational activities.
Edelweiss has a commitment to protect your privacy. We understand and respect your privacy and strive to protect your personal information. I/we give Edelweiss Preparatory School permission to publish the following on the class list for my child’s class. Class lists are only issued to the class your child is in for the purpose of parents contacting one another.
Edelweiss offers a fun experience for children and takes pictures for use in promotions that reflects this cheerful atmosphere. By registering at Edelweiss, the parent/guardian gives permission for the photos to be taken. If you do not want your child to participate in the photos which may go on social media (Facebook, Instagram etc), please notify the school administration.